Around this time of year, when we so often find our schedules overbooked with things to do, events to attend, and obligations to meet for the holiday season, we at Hemlock wanted to remind everyone of the deeper meaning of this time of year. The Season of Giving, our theme for the 2022 Holiday Wrap, is a tribute to exactly that—the spirit of giving.
The 2022 Holiday Wrap, The Season of Giving, explores the different ways we can give to the people in our lives: to our communities through donations of food, clothing, time or money; to our friends and families by lending a hand or spending quality time together; or to ourselves in whatever form self-care takes for us. However you give this season, we hope you are reminded of the joys in your life that are worth being thankful for and give thanks. The deep satisfaction that comes from giving thanks is a powerful thing.
The design of this year’s wrap was carefully curated by Simon Sung, Executive Creative Director of Pacific Lutheran University, who acted as Art Director for The Season of Giving set. Simon enlisted the talents of three designers to create two sets of wrap each: Elexia Johnson, Madeleine Eiche, and Chelsea Wong. These talented artists crafted unique interpretations of what giving during the holidays means to them. Read on to learn more about their designs and the print specifications of each sheet.
Thank you to Spicers, Lecta, Rolland, and West World Paper for generously sponsoring the paper for this annual tradition!
We hope you enjoy the beautiful interpretations of Giving in the 2022 Holiday Wrap set, and we wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season.
Specifications and Artist Profiles

Elexia Johnson, Spirit of Christmas and Endless Giving
Elexia is a multidisciplinary freelance designer and artist currently studying abroad in London to get her master’s degree. Being away from home has shown her that the season of giving means doing what you can with what you have for the people you love. Sometimes that looks like simply taking a moment to send a meme to a friend, or chatting on the phone with a loved one just because you were thinking about them. These acts of love often give more than a physical gift can. Elexia believes that when people give in these ways, they unite and truly connect. That belief is what she wanted to capture in both her artworks.
Spirit of Christmas is printed UV four colour process plus metallic gold (on the leaves) and a matte varnish on the blush background on 70lb Creator Gloss Text.
Endless Giving is printed UV four colour process plus metallic silver under the green background on 70lb Creator Gloss Text.

Madeleine Eiche, Flurries and Strokes
Focusing on printed matter, packaging, typography, and illustration, Madeleine specializes in bringing projects to life with a hands-on approach. She is interested in function and interaction, successfully differentiating narratives through the visualization of her design work. With more than 17 years of experience in Seattle and London, Madeleine’s work distinguishes itself with a bold aesthetic, utilizing unexpected materials and colour combinations and has been recognized by a variety of organizations including the AIGA, Print, HOW, Communication Arts, Coupe, and idN. With her pieces, Madeleine shows that acts of kindness have no limits; it is always the season to give selflessly and to spread joy.
Flurries is printed UV four colour process using Bright Inks on 70lb Rolland Enviro Text.
Strokes is printed UV four colour process with a High Build Gloss Coating on the red and black stripes on 70lb Creator Gloss Text.

Chelsea Ryoko Wong, Peace For All and Grand Gestures
Chelsea is a painter and muralist whose vibrant figure compositions reflect the diversity and style of her home in San Francisco. Through the use of watercolour, gouache and acrylic techniques, she draws from real-life events and her imagination to create busy scenes of co-mingling people. Her work is known for celebrating racial and cultural diversity, promoting working class communities and evoking a sense of curiosity and wonder. Through heavily stylized and idyllic imagery, Chelsea creates an encouraging visual statement promoting joy, acceptance and openness to one another. The season of giving is about spreading kindness, being generous and making someone’s day. It’s about saying thanks, celebrating the world around you, and paying forward the gratefulness of life.
Peace For All and Grand Gestures were both supplied to Hemlock as painted canvasses. We used our Fine Art scan-back camera to capture the artwork and create a digital copy. Our team converted the files into high-resolution images and we printed them UV four colour process on 70lb Rolland Enviro Text.

The package is printed on 18pt Candesce C1S and features a four colour process with silver metallic ink underneath the green background to giving it that gorgeous shiny effect. There is a clear holographic foil (with a glitter accent) on top of the slightly knocked-out type.