The 15th annual Canadian Printing Awards were hosted virtually by PrintAction Magazine on Thursday, September 23rd to celebrate the best in Canadian print, design, environmental excellence, and industry innovation. Hemlock garnered a remarkable 16 awards, including winning 10 categories and receiving 6 honourable mentions (which replaced the former silver and bronze level awards) across a range of print genres.
“Although we were unable to gather together in person, we are so glad to have been able to join our industry peers for an afternoon celebrating the best in Canadian print quality,” says Marketing Manager Colleen Moyles. “We are honoured to have received the industry’s recognition for these many beautifully designed and exquisitely executed projects. A big thank you and congratulations to our entire team for their dedication and hard work, to our amazing clients whom we are so fortunate to work with, and to our industry colleagues for their award-worthy efforts.”
Hemlock’s accolades from the 2021 Canadian Printing Awards include the following:

2019 Wild Things Holiday Wrap – Self Promotion
Landmark Brochure – Brochures & Booklets, Offset
000 Magazine – Publications
FIFA21 VIP Box – Rigid Packaging
Wheaton Precious Metals Annual Report – Business & Annual Reports
One Word Calendar – Calendars
Virani Pre-Sale Book – Books, Hardcover Offset
Lull Magazine – Print Design, Publications
FIFA21 VIP Box – Print Design, Packaging
2020 Wild World Holiday Wrap – Most Environmentally Progressive Printing Project

Honourable Mentions
West Third Brochure – Brochures & Booklets, Offset
Here to Be Grants Guide – Brochures & Booklets, Digital
Antarctica Casebound Book – Books, Hardcover Offset
Balancing Cultures Book – Books, Softcover Offset
2019 Mountain Life Annual – Magazines
Village Church Brochure – Print Design, Marketing Collateral

To view more of our award-winning pieces, head over to our Portfolio page.
For more information on the winning pieces from the Canadian Printing Awards, contact Colleen Moyles ( or your Hemlock Sales Representative to learn more.